How Blockchain Impact in Medical Industry
Earlier times blockchain came to existence with the Bitcoin to support the financial transactions of the cryptocurrency. It was known that blockchain can only support financial transactions. Blockchain is having a decentralized ledger where data stored in distributed across the network. Lets us discuss How Blockchain for Medical Records is implemented. We all know that every day the data that need to be stored as medical records are increasing. One cannot find out the multiple copies of data that are being stored in the database. Each organization is having its own unique database to collect and to record the information. When a patient is requested to perform a test, there might be a chance where the data is already existing in another hospital. The interoperability of Blockchain Technology can be used for this purpose where the different hospital can come together to become a decentralized network where the records of the patient’s details are shared and analyzed by different organizations on the network. By doing so, patients will no-more to bring their medical records for each appointment to the doctor, the information regarding the patient’s health and the test conducts and other information are already uploaded in the blockchain network, the hospital can easily fetch the details from the network and analyze the medical record. When we introduce Blockchain Technolgy to the medical field we can develop a system where we can identify patients accurately. The current scenarios are incapable of finding the right patient. A unique patient identifier system can be implemented using blockchain.
Public and private blockchains will be used to store the data of the patients, and the patient can decide to whom their data are shared. When the data are stored in the private blockchain the data can only visible to those who have the authority to view the data. Thus prohibiting the unwanted accessing of data and keep the patient’s record in a secret and secured way.